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Saturday, 7 March 2015



It has been said that mankind’s greatest enemy is ignorance. Even in the climate of freedom in
America, we are enslaved to the degree that we remain ignorant. It is my hope that you are beginning to feel a new sense of wisdom and power to take control of your life, and are becoming the person you are capable of becoming. While many people in our society are happy and content just the way they are, many others yearn to be successful, and to experience a deeper purpose and meaning in life.

If you do not want to move forward in life, it is critically important for you to see that your greatest power is the power you have to choose and make the right decisions. Almost from the moment human beings come into the world, and certainly later in years as we pass through our teenage years into adulthood, our lives are made up of one decision and another. A human life can be accurately described as a continuous series of decisions, interrupted only by the period of inactivity called “sleep.”


The issue of personal success in life really revolves around whether the right decisions have been made most of the time. Do you agree? This is more the case in America than anywhere in the world, because we are free to make most of the fateful decisions that affect our lives.

At this point, I want to pose a question. If personal success and happiness depends on making the right decisions most of the time, why do we see so many people who are discouraged, disillusioned, frustrated, and failing in life? Could it be because they have made the wrong choices or decisions so too often?


The reason that explains why most people fail is procrastination. One of the basic needs of human beings is the need for security. To achieve security, people try to “play it safe.” Many people will not act or make decisions at all for fear they will fail. This problem can be made even worse by problems with self-image. A poor self-image or lack of self-confidence causes many people to put off making life-changing decisions.

Perhaps most important is the role of the subconscious mind in decision making. If the subconscious mind is filled with more negative than positive information, the fear of failure can overcome the desire for gain. There is an antidote for this difficulty that can get you back on track of successful decision making. Please consider that fear can be nothing more than “FEAR”-False Evidence Appearing Real. If you look at the facts carefully, your reasons for fear will often evaporate.

If you have problems making decisions, there is a definite method you can follow that will help you make right decisions most of the time. Remember that I do not, and cannot guarantee one hundred percents result. If you do anything at all, you are bound to make mistakes. The goal is to make careful and timely decisions and learn from the mistakes you do make.


1.       Define the problem. A problem well stated is a problem half solved.
2.       Get all fact you can about the problem.
3.       Consider as many possible solutions as you can develop. A brainstorming session with two or more people might be helpful.
4.       Evaluate what you think the consequences will be of each possible solution.
5.       Make your solution based on the true facts and your prospects for success will be greatly enhanced.
6.       Make your decisions now; do not put it off.
7.       Be prepared to live with the consequence.
As you read and re-read this post, I hope you will come back to it. It can make a difference in your future by making decision making skills. One of the real problems in making decisions is that we will usually do something because we feel like doing it, not necessarily because it is right or best for us. We try to justify our actions later. “I did it because………” usually turns out to be a lame justification. Another problem that affects our lives that is related to making decisions is worry. I’m not sure if you realize it, but worry often paralyzes decision making before it get started. The pity is that worry is often purposeless.

The greatest power you have is the power to choose and make the right decisions. Generally speaking, when you have no high goals to strive for, it usually means you have no motivation or reasons to make important decisions. W. Clement Stone, a highly successful business executive, has as his motto, “Do it now.” Immediate action is a great habit to develop once you have made the proper decisions.
                                                                                                                        Jim Davidson “How To Plan Your Life”
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