Once you set your goal and start on your way to achieve it, you will
surely encounter difficulty. There will be some obstacles, but you can’t allow
them to intimidate you. When Moses brought the Hebrew children out of Egypt, he
sent twelve spies to check out the land. Ten came back saying the Land flowed
with milk and honey but also had giants. Those ten spies wanted to give up
because they felt they were grasshoppers next to the giant. Only two put their faith in God. They were
not intimidated by the giants because they had greater faith in God. They were
willing to trust God and say that they could possess the land. Don’t be
intimidated by the obstacles. When God is for you, He’s greater than the whole
world against you.
One of my favorite Bible scriptures
is taken from Deuteronomy, Chapter 30, where it is written, “ I call
heaven and earth to witness against you that today I have set before you life
and death, blessings or curses. Oh that you would choose life, that you and
your children might live! We must choose to be happy, choose to be wealthy. Why
do I say choose? Because success is a choice, not a chance.
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